In this tutorial, we are going to learn about using radiobutton in tkinter application. We will learn about different features and methods of radiobuttons followed by a handy example

What is Radiobutton in Tkinter?

The Radiobutton widget in Tkinter is a way of implementing choices in your Python GUI application. You can set multiple choices for the user and a user is free to select any one from them. A single radiobutton displays  The syntax for using radiobuttons is:

radiobutton_tk = Radiobutton( window, features )

Radiobutton features and properties are:

1 activebackground Shows the background color of the radiobutton upon the mouse hover.
2 activeforeground The font color of the widget text when it has the focus.
3 anchor It’s shows the initial position of text. It’s initial value is always the CENTER position which is used to position the text in the middle position.
4 bg Displays the background color of the checkbutton
5 bitmap It is used to display bitmap in the widget but if the image option is already given then this option will be ignored.
6 borderwidth Show the border size.
7 command It is used to set the function call whenever there is some change.
8 cursor You can use the cursor as different shapes on the screen as circle, dot etc.
9 font It shows the font of the radiobutton.
10 fg Determines the foreground color of font that is used for the radiobuttons.
11 height It represents the height of the radiobutton (number of lines). The default height is 1.
12 highlightcolor It shows the highlight color of the checkbutton when it is clicked.
13 highlightbackground It shows the highlight color of the background of the checkbutton when it is clicked.
14 image It is used to set image on the radiobutton.
15 justify It is used to display text on radiobutton in RIGHT, LEFT and CENTER justified positions.
16 padx Adds padding in the horizontal direction
17 pady Adds padding in the vertical direction.
18 relief This displays different types of borders. By default, it has a FLAT border.
19 selectcolor Sets the color of the checkbutton.
20 selectimage Shows the image on the radiobutton upon setting/selecting.
21 state This represents DISABLED or ACTIVE state of the radiobutton.
22 text This feature determines what will be mentioned as a text of the radiobutton

E.g. text=”Hello, Radiobutton” will be used as a radiobutton text.

23 textvariable By using this feature, you can easily update the text of the message whenever you want.
24 underline It shows the index of the characters in the text which are to be underlined. The indexing always starts at 0.
25 value Represents the value of each radiobutton when it is assigned to the control variable when it is under selection.
26 variable It shows the control variable which is used to monitor the state of the radiobutton.
27 width Shows the width of the radiobutton horizontally.
28 wraplength Sets the wrap length of the number of characters to be used.

Methods of radiobutton are:

1 deselect() Sets to turn off the radiobutton.
2 flash() This method is used to flash the radiobutton several times when it is between active and normal state.
3 invoke() It is used to call necessary action whenever the state of the radiobutton is changed.
4 select() This method is used for the selection of the radiobutton.

Creating Radiobuttons Widget

You can create simple radiobuttons as follows:

from tkinter import *

screen = Tk()

v = IntVar()

Radiobutton(screen, text="One", variable=v, value=1).pack(anchor=W)
Radiobutton(screen, text="Two", variable=v, value=2).pack(anchor=W)


Output will be:

References have been used from here