In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the LabelFrame in Tkinter along with its features followed with a handy example.

What is LabelFrame in Tkinter?

The LabelFrame widget in tkinter is used for drawing a border around the the child widgets that it contains along with its own label. Syntax for the Labelframe is:

Labelframe_tk = LabelFrame ( windows, features )

LabelFrame features and properties are:

1 bg Displays the background color of the widget.
2 bd It shows the width of the border. Same as borderwidth.
3 cursor You can use the cursor as different shapes on the screen as circle, dot etc.
4 fg Determines the foreground color of font that is used for the widget.
5 font Determines the type of font that is used for the widget.
6 height Determines the height of the widget.
7 labelAnchor Specifies the position of the text within the widget.
8 labelwidget Specifies the widget used for identifying the labels. Text is used as default if no value is defined.
9 highlightbackground It shows the highlight color of the background of the text widget when it is clicked.
10 highlightcolor It shows the highlight color of the labelframe widget when it is clicked.
11 highlightthickness Specifies the thickness of the highlight in focus.
12 padx Adds padding in the horizontal direction
13 pady Adds padding in the vertical direction
14 relief This displays different types of borders. By default, it has a FLAT border.
15 text Specifies the string which has the label text.
16 width Specifies the width of the widget.

Creating LabelFrame

You can create simple a labelframe widget as follows:

from tkinter import *
screen = Tk()
labelframe_tk = LabelFrame(screen, text="LabelFrame Title")
labelframe_tk.pack(fill="both", expand="yes")
inside = Label(labelframe_tk, text="Add whatever you like")

Output will be:


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