In this tutorial, we will learn about the scale widget in tkinter, along with the features and methods of it followed by a handy example.

What is Scale in Tkinter?

The Scale widget in Tkinter is used to select from a range of numbers through moving a slider. You can set the minimum and maximum values. The syntax for adding the scale is:

scale_tk = Scale( window, features )

Scale features and properties are:

1 activebackground Shows the background color of the scale upon the mouse hover.
2 bg Displays the background color of the scale.
3 bd It shows the width of the border. Same as borderwidth.
4 command It is used to set the function call whenever there is some change.
5 cursor Shows the type of cursor when the mouse is hovered over the scale. The default is a pointed arrow cursor.
6 digits It is used to specify the digits that are to be displayed on the range on the scale.
7 font Determines the type of font that is used for the scale.
8 fg Determines the foreground color of font that is used for the scale.
9 from_ Specifies starting end of the scale range.
10 highlightbackground It shows the highlight color of the background of the scale when it is clicked.
11 highlightcolor It shows the highlight color of the scale when it is clicked.
12 label This option is used to show a text label of the scale. It is shown on extreme left and right corners horizontally and top left and right corners vertically.
13 length Specifies the length of the widget horizontally and vertically.
14 orient This can be set vertically or horizontally depending on the type of scale.
15 relief This displays different types of borders like SUNKEN, RAISED, GROOVE, and RIDGE.
16 repeatdelay This option is used to define the duration when a slider slides through one range option to another. 300ms is the default duration.
17 resolution It is used to specify the slightest change possible that is made to the scale value.
18 showvalue This is to show the value as text. 
19 sliderlength Specifies the length of the scale. Default is 30 px.
20 state This represents DISABLED or ACTIVE state of the scale
21 takefocus This feature allows the focus cycle through the scale. 
22 tickinterval This feature allows the scale values at the set intervals.
23 to Specifies ending point of the scale range.
24 troughcolor Specifies the color of the trough
25 variable It shows the control variable which is used to monitor the state of the scale.
26 width Shows the width of the scale.

Methods of scale are:

1 get() This method is used to fetch the current value of the scale.
2 set(value) It is used to set the value on the scale.

Creating Scale Widget

You can create simple a scale as follows:

from tkinter import *

screen = Tk()

scale_tk = Scale(screen, from_=0, to=50)

scale_tk = Scale(screen, from_=0, to=50, orient=HORIZONTAL)


Output will be:


References have been used from here