In this article, we will learn about how to do the numpy installation in different environments like mac, windows and ubuntu operating systems. In order to understand basics before started learning numpy, you can refer to the python tutorials. 

Pip (Python Installer for Python) is used for installing packages in python. PIP comes preinstalled when python is downloaded from from Now we will learn about installing numpy on different operating systems.

Numpy Installation on Windows

In order to install Numpy on your windows machine, open a command prompt and enter this command:

python -m pip install numpy

You can easily import numpy once it’s installed, open the python interpreter that you are using and run the following command to check whether numpy has been installed properly:

import numpy as np

If you haven’t installed python on windows, watch this tutorial here

Numpy Installation

Numpy Installation on MacOs

In order to install Numpy on your Macbook, open the terminal and enter this command:

pip3 install numpy

We are using pip3 because macOS already has python installed in its system, so in order to use python 3, pip3 is used. You can easily import numpy once it’s installed, open the python interpreter that you are using and run the following command to check whether numpy has been installed properly:

import numpy as np

If you haven’t installed python 3 on macOS, watch this tutorial here.